Franki Napolitano

Weight: 63kg
Body Fat Percentage: 23.5%

Weight: 54kg
Body Fat Percentage: 14.6%

Why did I start training with Elite-Bodyworks? Well, the picture of me on the left, at a size 12/14 pretty much sums it up, doesn’t it?

I was unhappy, unfit and didn’t know where to start. It took some coaxing, but I eventually decided to start training to see how much of a difference I could make for myself.

Since then, I now do a Personal Training Session twice a week, alongside Modified Strongman Sessions,Olympic Lifting Training and the occasional bootcamp class. Alongside this, I also follow the Paleo eating plan and Poliquin supplementation guide. Not only have I seen the physical results, my bulging belly flattened, my thighs slim and firm, I now also feel better, my moods improved, I sleep better and I have more energy.

Aside from aesthetic differences, I have increased my strength levels to be able to do things I never thought possible! And I’m not bulky, just defined and lean, and I love it! So much so, I am hoping to compete this year in Olympic Lifting. This is a huge personal and physical achievement for me when I look at where I started.

Thanks to the continuous support and encouragement from all of the EBW Team, I am finally back in shape and have restored my self-confidence!


Des Bezuidenhout


Gary Lucas